A D9 A D9
Oh, by gosh, by gol - ly,
Cdim Bm7/5- E7
It's time for mis - tle - toe and hol - ly,
D6 Cdim Bm7/5- E7 D9
Tas - ty pheas - ants, Christ - mas pre - sents,
E7 Cm7/5- Bm7/5- E7 E7/6 Bm7/5- A
Coun - try - sides cov - ered with snow.
A D9 A D9
Oh, by gosh, by jin - gle,
Cdim Bm7/5- E7
It's time for car - ols and Kris Krin - gle,
D6 Cdim Bm7/5- E7 D9
Ov - er - eat - ing, mer - ry greet - ings
E7 Cm7/5- Bm7/5- E7 Cdim A
From rel - a - tives you don't know.
Dm6 G7 CM7 Cm7/6
Then comes that big night,
G7 Bm7/5- G7 Cm7 Cm7/6
Giv - ing the tree the trim;
Gdim F#7 B G#m
You'll hear voi - ces by star - light
E Cdim E7
Sing - ing a Yule - tide hymn.
A D9 A D9
Oh, by gosh, by gol - ly,
Cdim Bm7/5- E7
It's time for mist - le - toe and hol - ly,
D6 Cdim Bm7/5- E7
Fan - cy ties an' gran - ny's pies,
D9 E7 F#7
An' folks stea - lin' a kiss or two
Cdim B7 Fdim E6 E7/9- A
As they whis - per, 'Mer - ry Christ - mas' to you.
Composição de Henry Sanicola/Frank Sinatra