

Metallica - Orion 
    E5                                 Bm/D             B/D#              8x 
Rhythm Figure 1: 
    Em                                 Bm                                 6x 
      x x   x x  x     x x   x x   x     x x   x x         x x   x x 
    E       A5          E5            C5 
  E       C5          E5            A5                               4x 
Rhythm Figure 2: 
            A5          B5            C5 
                x x x x     x x x x       x x x x x   x x x   x x x 
          C5          E5/B          A5                               3x 
  x   x x     x x x x     x x x x      x x x x x   x x x   x x x 
Repeat Rhythm Figure 1 (2x) 
  Bm                            B 
  Em                                                   Bm 
  Bm                  p  p              p  p     p     B 
  B5                             B5                          E/B 
  B5                h     h     h    h      h   h   h   h p         p 
  F#5                E5 
  B5               B5/A             F#5              E5 
         x x x x          x x x x          x x x x 
Rhythm Change (4/4 -> 6/8) 
Bass Solo (8 measures) 
The next part is played by 3 guitars. The upper notes are guitar 1, 
those in the middle are guitar 2 and the lower ones are for guitar 3. 
I usually play the first and second guitar simultaneously. This sounds 
pretty good. 
    F#m      A       Bm       E            F#m    A     Bm       E 
                                                                slide down 
    F#m      A       Bm       E            F#m    A     Bm       E 
                                                                slide down 
    F#m      A       Bm       E            F#m    A     Bm       E 
|---9/ ------------|-(9)------9/\---7-9--|-7-7-7-7-6-6-|-7--6--6-7-9--------| 
   F#m     A       Bm        E             F#m      A       Bm     E 
I'll leave away the 2nd and 3rd guitar now. It would be a little bit 
complicated to put them into the following parts. 
  F#m     A        Bm        E          F#m    A      Bm       E 
   F#m      A          Bm         E          F#m  A  Bm         E 
  F#m       A          Bm         E          F#m A    E 
  F#m       A          Bm         E          F#m    A      Bm     E 
                                                                  slide down 
    F#m        A            Bm         E         3x 
    ^first time:9 
   F#m        A            Bm            E 
    F#m      A          Bm       E        4x 
  F#5              A5                   E5                C#5 
  F#5        A5      p                  E5              C#5 
  F#5      A5 h            E5       h h sl  C#5 
  F#5         A5               E5              C#5 
  E5      G5     D5           B5               E5                       G5 
  D5              B5              E5         G5 
  D5         B5             E5            G5 
  D5              B5                             E5 
|------------------------------|               |------| 
|-----h-p-sl-------------------|               |------| 
|-9--7-9-7-5-7-5-4-5-4-2-4-5-4-| Rhythm Change |-5-5--| 
|------------------------------| (6/8 -> 2/8)  |------| 
|------------------------------|               |------| 
|------------------------------|               |------| 
Rhythm Change (2/8 -> 4/4) 
   A      E5      C5                                     C5      E5 
|---------------------|----------------|               |-----------------| 
|---------------------|----------------|               |-----------------| 
|--2--------------5---|(5)-------------| Rhythm Change |-5---------------| 
|--2------2-------5---|(5)-------------| (4/4 -> 3/4)  |-5-------2-------| 
|--0------2-------3---|(3)-------------|               |-3-------2-------| 
|---------0-----------|------------0-0-|               |---------0-------| 
                                   x x 
Rhythm Change (3/4 -> 4/4) 
  A         B5                 A5    B5 
  B5/A                                      F#5                        A5 
                                              p     p     p     p     p     p 
  B5              A5      B5/A                p 
  F#5                       A5         E5 
  B5                    A5        B5 
                                                             p            p 
  F#5                                          A5 
  B5                    A5        B5/A 
  F#5                     A5          E5 
Repeat Rhythm Figure 2 while fading out 
h  : hammer-on               p : pull-off 
/  : bend up a full step     \ : release (bend down) a full step 
'  : bend up a half step     ` : release (bend down) a half step 
sl : slide                   x below the tablature : palm-mute 
( ): let this note ring; you stroke it just before 
Composição de James Hetfield,lars Ulrich,cliff Burton

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