Crash Course in Brain SurgeryTablatura


The song is in 4/4 at around 185 - 190 bpm 
'Drop D' tuning (low to high: D A D G B E) 

 Bass and drums (4 bars) 
           Gtrs 1 & 2 w/heavy distorsion 







             Start of verses 1 & 2 (see below) 


















 Guitar Solo 










  Bass Solo 


 Verse 3              





Verse 1 
Look inside and you will see the words are cutting deep inside my brain. 
Thunder burning, quickly burning. 
Knife of words is driv'n me insane. 

Verse 2 
Raven black is on my back. 
He showed me how to neutralise the knife 
Show to me, in surgery, the art of fighting words to conquer life. 
Conquer life! 

Verse 3 
Now the wicked lance of fear is drivn' from my heady mountain brain. 
Crash course in brain surgery has stopped the bloddy knife of words again. 
Yeah!	Yeah!	Yeah! 

Also when ever you come across Figure A as depicted below, it should be 
replaced with Figure 1A (below) 

Figure A 

Figure 1A 

----------                            ---------- 
----5h8--- Hammeron                   ----(8)--- Ghost Note 
----------                            ---------- 
----5p8--- Pulloff                    ---------- 

----------                            ---------- 
----5/8--- Slide Up                   -----x---- Dead Note 
----------                            ---------- 
----58--- Slide Down                 ---------- 

----------                            ||------|| Repeat Start & End 
----5~~~-- Vibrato                    ||*----*|| 
----------                            ||*----*|| 
----------                            ||------|| 

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